Meeting Dates For 2024-2025
All meetings are scheduled to begin at 10am EST, unless otherwise noted.
September 18th
December 11th
February 26th
May 21st (Annual Meeting)
*Denotes a Special Meeting
** In an effort to allow greater public participation and to best accommodate stakeholders, these meetings shall be held via communications media technology (virtually) and at the schools (2480 SW 8th Street, Miami, 33135 & 2650 Van Buren Street, Hollywood, Florida 33020). Members of the public are invited to attend physically at the school or virtually. For information on how to attend virtually, please contact at least 24 hours prior to the start of the meeting.
Upcoming Board Agenda:
Options to Address the Board / Provide Public Comment:
1) Members of the public may provide a written statement for the record of up to 250 words, 24 hours ahead of the meeting start time via-email to the recording secretary at to be included in the record under Public Comment.
2) Members of the public who are in attendance (either physically or virtually) at a meeting, may address the Board during Public Comment. Speakers will have a maximum amount of time (3 minutes) to speak at the discretion of the Board Chair. The Board will not address the presenter or take action at this time.
Persons wishing to file a complaint or address a concern should refer to the Board Policy - “Procedures for Addressing Concerns”
International Studies Charter High School, a non-profit organization,
will comply with chapter 119 of the Florida Statutes, relating to public records, and s. 286.011, relating to public meetings and records, public inspection, and penalties the Florida Statutes relating to public records and public meetings.